Industrie Und Logistik 2023 2024

Industrial & Logistics 2023/2024
Leasing and investment market at a glance

Industrial and Logistics 2024

In 2024, we expect to see more activity on the investment markets again. This is likely to be particularly true for the Industrial & Logistics sector, which continues to be the focus of attention, and which for the first time represented the strongest type of use in the commercial investment market in 2023, with a market share of around 28%.

The rental market saw a similar development. In the second half of the year, we saw a significant upturn in demand. It is noteworthy that around a quarter of these deals were pre-lettings. This shows that the demand is still there.

Find out everything you need to know about the German industrial and logistics market in our market report. In addition to Germany-wide key figures, you will find detailed information on the TOP 8 logistics regions of Berlin-Brandenburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt/Rhine-Main, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich and Stuttgart.

Download the report „Industrial & Logistics 2023/2024“ here:

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    „Rental growth rates, index-linked rental agreements, low vacancy rates and adjusted prices offer an attractive yield profile for investors.“

    Your contact:

    Nicolas Roy

    Nicolas Roy

    Head of Industrial & Logistics | Germany